Introduction to Limits

Hello everyone! Today we posted our first Youtube Video! In this video, we gave an introduction to limits and covered the following topics: Limits Limits by Estimation Right-Sided Limits Left Sided Limits Comment below if you want me to cover any specific topics or problems! ⬇️ Video 🎥 Notes 📓 Read more…

Partial Fraction Decomposition

Partial Fraction Decomposition is a great way to solve seemingly complex integrals. While it may look complicated, it is actually a very straightforward and easy concept to learn. Accordingly, we have created the following PDF to help you master this concept!

How to get Date only from the datetime value?

SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), getdate(), 101); Outputs in mm/dd/yyyy SELECT CAST(getdate() AS date); To get the current date time: SELECT getdate(); SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; Other related functions: ELECT CONVERT (time, SYSDATETIME()) ,CONVERT (time, SYSDATETIMEOFFSET()) ,CONVERT (time, SYSUTCDATETIME()) ,CONVERT (time, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ,CONVERT (time, GETDATE()) ,CONVERT (time, GETUTCDATE()); /* Returned SYSDATETIME() 13:18:45.3490361 SYSDATETIMEOFFSET()13:18:45.3490361 SYSUTCDATETIME() 20:18:45.3490361 Read more…

SQL Server Development

SQL Server Developers are responsible to perform following activities: Designing databases and ensuring their stability, reliability, and performance. Design, create, and implement database systems based on the end user’s requirements. Impove application’s performances. Prepare documentations for database applications. Memory management for database systems. Develop database schemas, tables and dictionaries. Ensure Read more…

SQL Server Database Mail – Diagnose and Resolve Issues

To Check the mail service status EXEC msdb.dbo.sysmail_help_status_sp; To Stop and Restart Mail Queue/ Service EXEC msdb.dbo.sysmail_stop_sp;EXEC msdb.dbo.sysmail_start_sp; To Check Sent and Unsent Email SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.sysmail_sentitems;SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.sysmail_unsentitems; To manually send a test email EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name = ‘Default Profile’, @recipients = ‘’, @subject = ‘Try #1 Read more…

Function to Write to Application Event Log using VB.Net

Public Function WriteToEventLog(ByVal Entry As String) Dim appName As String = “Your Application” Dim eventType As EventLogEntryType = EventLogEntryType.Error Dim logName = “Application” Dim objEventLog As New EventLog() Try If Not EventLog.SourceExists(appName) Then EventLog.CreateEventSource(appName, logName) End If objEventLog.Source = appName objEventLog.WriteEntry(Entry, eventType) Return True Catch Ex As Exception Return False Read more…